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Secure Video Hosting and Viewer Tracking

Secure Video Hosting and Viewer Tracking

83% of executives see securing video content as important. As a result, organizations need a cost effective way to deliver content through secure video hosting. This encompasses both the ability to limit access to authorized individuals and also accountability, the ability to verify that employees viewed critical content.

This article explains the need for video security within organizations and then details the multitude of content restrictive features available. It then discusses utilizing viewer tracking functionality to track who is watching, going over what type of data can be extracted. The piece concludes by reviewing the Q&A module, which adds additional opportunities for employee engagement and valuable organization facing feedback.

Key Virtual Experiences that Inspire Storytelling

Do you remember the first time you sat around a campfire and quietly listened to stories or happily jumped in to share your own? The crackling of the wood, the orange glow of the embers, the smell of s’mores. The laughter. The next day, your jacket smelled a little smoky and you thought back and happily remembered a moment or shared a new story.

COVID-19 changed the way we share stories. Lockdown meant a year of digital “Brady Bunch” squares and, through trial-and-error, learning how to use video and chat, to send a happy emoji, to use Slack and email, and to turn off video quickly when your mother accidentally walks behind you during a new business pitch. We learned to divvy up our attention and jump from digital interaction to interaction. And we’re far from that relaxed campfire moment.

Video Terms Glossary: Definitions & Acronyms

Video Terms Glossary: Definitions & Acronyms

A streaming media and video terms glossary that contains definitions of acronyms, technologies and techniques. The definitions are related to live streaming, broadcasting, video hosting and compression.

These video terms are relevant for both new techniques and legacy methods, which still have ramifications today when handling older media. There is a larger emphasis for online video applications, although a few terms which have roots in older methodology and processes. The glossary will be continuously updated as the industry evolves. If you are looking more for some tips on executing these terms, check out these 5 Pro Tips for Video Production.

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University of Georgia Case Study

University of Georgia Case Study

With roots that date back more than a century ago, the Department of Theatre of Films Studies at the University of Georgia has a long-standing tradition of preparing students to become leaders in theatre, film, and digital media practice. Part of their curriculum has included putting on intricate, headlining theatrical shows several times a year for audiences to enjoy. However, this program was directly impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Discover how the University of Georgia, by partnering with AT&T and IBM, was able to not just successfully pivot performances to online with great video quality and content security, but also expand their programming.