Product Updates

Learn about streaming product updates on IBM Watson Media solutions that power live and on-demand streaming video delivery.

Video Review and Approval Process

Video Review and Approval Process

Looking to tap into a video review and approval process for your enterprise video platform?

IBM has introduced a new workflow for IBM Enterprise Video Streaming that allows companies to setup an approval process. This includes having designated reviewers, or moderators, that are setup to approve or reject the publishing of videos. The video review process features automated emails, notifying reivewers when content is ready and also notifying uploaders after the video has been reviewed.

Video Access Control for an Enterprise Video Platform

Video Access Control for an Enterprise Video Platform

Looking for more ways to restrict access to a video within your corporate video portal?

IBM Watson Media has introduced a video access control feature that allows the management of assets on a per video basis within an enterprise account. This can permit different access levels, be it for pre-approval or to very select individuals, while also including a notification system over email to relay when access has been granted. This feature, introduced in June 2018, was expanded in July 2020 to include advanced video access control features around lists.

This access control can function as part of a larger component of an overall internal communications strategy. For those who want to learn about optimizing their internal comms, download this Using Video for Internal Corporate Communications, Training & Compliance white paper.

Individual Viewer Tracking Analytics

Individual Viewer Tracking Analytics

Need deeper analytics to analyze how your video content is being consumed? Want to validate that individual viewers completed mandatory training?

IBM Enterprise Video Streaming offers individual viewer tracking analytics. These allow organizations to drill down and see not just who accessed certain videos, but how much they watched and look at overall viewing history as well. This feature has been enhanced as well, for increased scalability in the dashboard and the ability to utilize APIs to take this functionality into other applications.

This feature was demoed in our Getting Started with Enterprise Video Management webinar.

Continue Watching Video on Demand

Continue Watching Video on Demand

Looking to introduce a way for viewers to return to the exact moment they stopped watching a video?

IBM Watson Media has released a feature that saves the playback position of videos on a per viewer, per browser level. This allows viewers to continue watching video on demand content from the moment they stopped viewing.

Permalinks: Creating Vanity URLs for Videos

Permalinks: Creating Vanity URLs for Videos

Looking to customize your video URLs? Want to setup a static link that can be updated with new videos without having to notify others or replace embed codes?

This article walks through creating vanity URLs for videos through a new permalink feature for IBM Video Streaming. When setup, a custom ending for the URL is created, featuring the name of the content or any other desired name. In addition, content creators and organizations can use this feature to swap videos tied to a permalink. This will automatically swap the video content featured across embed codes and shared links that use that permalink.

WebVTT Captioning & Subtitle Support

WebVTT Captioning & Subtitle Support

Looking to add closed captions or subtitles to your video content? Need WebVTT captioning support?

While closed captions can be associated with aiding the deaf and those hard of hearing, their benefit goes beyond this for video creators. In this article, learn about captions, why you should be investing in them and how viewing habits are changing in a way that increases their use. Also learn about the WebVTT format for subtitles and caption, how to create them and convert other subtitle formats to them as well. This is topped off with discussing how to add captions to your videos on IBM’s video streaming and enterprise video platform.

Convert Video Speech to Text with Watson

Convert Video Speech to Text with Watson

Closed captions have grown to be an important part of the video experience. While they assist deaf and hard of hearing people in enjoying video content, a study in the UK discovered that 80% of closed caption use was from those with no hearing issues. Not only that, but Facebook found out that adding captions to a video increased view times on their network by 12%. These reasons, along with regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and rules from the FCC, have realized the need to caption video assets. However, caption generation can be time consuming, taking 5-10 times the length of the video asset, or costly if you are paying someone else to create them.

A solution is automatic speech recognition from machine learning. This the ability to identify words and phrases in spoken language and convert them to text. The process offers content owners a way to quickly and cost effectively provide captions for their videos. To address this, IBM introduced the ability to convert video speech to text through IBM Watson. This was added to IBM’s video streaming solutions in late 2017 for VODs (video on-demand). It has recently been expanded to recognize additional languages.

Integrated live captioning for enterprises is also available, although differs in several ways from the VOD feature talked about here.

IBM Watson Media Integration for FileNet

IBM Watson Media Integration for FileNet

Explore the video content in your FileNet ECM (Enterprise Content Management) solution in new ways through this integration with IBM Watson Media. Introduced with version 5.5.4 of FileNet, enterprises can now leverage comprehensive video processes that unlock additional functionality. This includes the ability to stream videos from FileNet, accessing video content faster and with more flexibility. End users also benefit from AI-driven processes, generating automatic closed captions and powering deep video search features. This technology can be used to get the right content in front of the right viewer across a wide range of use cases, from watching your CEO’s virtual town hall to re-watching footage before sending a maintenance truck or approving an insurance claim.

If you are already a FileNet user and interested in testing out this integration, sign up for a free trial to start leveraging this technology. Note that this special trial has to be started before June 30th and you must be a current FileNet customer to take advantage of this.

Manage Video Platform User Permissions

Manage Video Platform User Permissions

Looking to manage video platform user permissions?

Managing video content is become an increasingly collaborative experience. Furthermore, enterprises are adopting larger video strategies as well. In fact, 51% of enterprises estimated their streaming budgets at $100,000 or more going into 2020. Naturally this increase in budget for video will produce more content, creating an environment where companies need to be more agile in managing assets. Especially as companies are looking to use video both internally, to employees and stakeholders, and externally, for prospects or entertainment purposes.

To address this, IBM released an administrator controlled permission system for organizations back in 2018. These features were recently expanded, offering more granular control. As a result, organization administrators can manage video platform user permissions, empowering them to oversee admins and managers for accounts and channels from a dashboard. This enables quick team management for video assets, fostering easier collaboration toward video goals.

Integrated Live Closed Captioning for Enterprises

Integrated Live Closed Captioning for Enterprises

62% of employees use closed captions for work related video content, for a number of reasons other than hearing accessibility. In fact, only 5% of employees cite a hearing impairment as a reason to use captions. Additional reasons include convenience, watching videos with low or no volume, or non-native speakers needing assistance to understand the language spoken in the video.

Additionally, employees are 80% more likely to watch a video to completion when it is closed captioned. As a result, there is real value behind captioning video content and a driver for organizations looking to increase viewer engagement.

To address this, IBM is offering integrated live closed captioning for enterprises by combining IBM’s video streaming solutions with IBM Watson Captioning Live. Hosted entirely on the IBM Cloud, the integrated closed captioning software solution eliminates the need for hardware on location and makes it easy for businesses to quickly set up. It is security-rich and offers teams full ownership and control over their video content and metadata, as well as any internal usage metrics and training data. In addition, Watson Captioning Live offers secure, scalable, AI-driven live captions to any live stream. The solution, which currently captions for English language content, can be easily trained to recognize industry- and company-specific terminology and seamlessly integrates accurate live captions to live streaming content, connecting employees across the globe through engaging and accessible workplace video.